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Video, words, pictures all about decoration

FEL 2023
How many emotions, how many friends and how much news from this FEL 2023!
How many emotions, how many friends and how much ... [Read More]
2017 – 2022: Marmorino Tools brand celebrates 5 years since foundation!
To celebrate 5 years since the creation of Marmorino Tools we have created a special kit dedicated to passionate decorators. Two Xtrowel trowels and one ... [Read More]
To celebrate 5 years since the creation of Marmorino ... [Read More]
Finally paint brushes by Marmorino Tools!
Here is the new line of Marmorino Tools painting brushes, made with selected raw materials and tested by Marmorino Tools Messengers, a guarantee of high ... [Read More]
Here is the new line of Marmorino Tools painting ... [Read More]